Elementary School Counselor
Counseling Lessons
As a School Counselor, my primary responsibility is to advocate for the academic, personal, and social development of all students. Throughout the year, I will be conducting classroom lessons once a month. These lessons teach skills that are important for academic and social development.
Small Groups
I will also meet with students in small groups when I am made aware of a specific student need. Any student can request to meet with me or they can be referred by a teacher, administrator, or parent. I hope that you reach out if you have any concerns regarding your student.
A letter will be sent home to the parent or guardian describing the small group focus and skills being worked on.
Invididual Counseling
Individual Counseling will take place on an as needed basis. If there is a concern/need from a student, teacher, administrator, and/or parent. I will see students individually to assist them in academic, personal, career readiness, and social development.
There is a link below for community resources if those are needed.

About me
My name is Kate Kissee. This is my sixth year as the School Counselor for Sparta Elementary. I graduated from Sparta and am so glad to be back. I am very excited to be serving the students and families of this community. When I am not working as a School Counselor, I love to spend time with my husband, daughter and my two pups, Walter and Miles. I also love to be outdoors, watching sports, and traveling!